Operation Manual – System Maintaining and DebuggingH3C S7500E Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Basic Configurations1-5ConfigurationSystem clock displayedby the display clockcommandExampleIf the value of"date-time"±"zone-offset" isnot in the summer-timerange,"date-time"±"zone-offset" isdisplayed.Configure: clock datetime 1:002007/1/1, clock timezonezone-time add 1 and clocksummer-time ss one-off 1:002007/1/1 1:00 2007/8/8 2Display: 04:00:00 ss Mon01/01/20071, 2 and 3 or 1,3 and 2If the value of"date-time"±"zone-offset" isin the summer-time range,"date-time"±"zone-offset"+”summer-offset” is displayed.Configure: clock timezonezone-time add 1, clocksummer-time ss one-off 1:002008/1/1 1:00 2008/8/8 2 and clockdatetime 1:00 2007/1/1Display: 01:00:00 zone-time Mon01/01/2007If date-time is not in thesummer time range,date-time is displayed.Configure: clock timezonezone-time add 1, clocksummer-time ss one-off 1:002008/1/1 1:00 2008/8/8 2 and clockdatetime 1:30 2008/1/1Display: 23:30:00 zone-time Mon12/31/2007[1], 2, 3 and 1or [1], 3, 2 and1date-time is in the summertime range:If the value of“date-time”-“summer-offset”is not in the summer-timerange,“date-time”-“summer-offset”is displayed;If the value of“date-time”-“summer-offset”is in the summer-time range,date-time is displayed.Configure: clock timezonezone-time add 1, clocksummer-time ss one-off 1:002008/1/1 1:00 2008/8/8 2 and clockdatetime 3:00 2008/1/1Display: 03:00:00 ss Tue01/01/20081.1.4 Configuring a BannerI. Introduction to bannersBanners are prompt information displayed by the system when users are connected tothe device, perform login authentication, and start interactive configuration. Theadministrator can set corresponding banners as needed.At present, the system supports the following five kinds of welcome information.z shell banner, also called session banner, displayed when a non Modem userenters user view.