Operation Manual – IPv4 RoutingH3C S7500E Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 4 IS-IS Configuration4-24To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view ––Enter IS-IS view isis [ process-id ] ––Configure inbound routefilteringfilter-policy { acl-number |ip-prefix ip-prefix-name |route-policyroute-policy-name } importRequiredNot configured bydefault4.4.8 Configuring Route RedistributionFollow these steps to configure IS-IS route redistribution from other routing protocols:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view ––Enter IS-IS view isis [ process-id ] ––Redistribute routesfrom another routingprotocolimport-route { isis [ process-id ] |ospf [ process-id ] | rip[ process-id ] | bgp [ allow-ibgp ] |direct | static } [ cost cost |cost-type { external | internal } |[ level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2 ] |route-policy route-policy-name |tag tag ] *RequiredNo route is redistributedby default.If no level is specified,routes are redistributedinto the Level-2 routingtable by default.Configure a filteringpolicy to filterredistributed routesfilter-policy { acl-number |ip-prefix ip-prefix-name |route-policy route-policy-name }export [ isis process-id | ospfprocess-id | rip process-id | bgp |direct | static]OptionalNot configured bydefault4.4.9 Configuring IS-IS Route LeakingWith this feature enabled, the Level-1-2 router can advertise both Level-1 and Level-2area routing information to the Level-1 router.Follow these steps to configure IS-IS route leaking:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view ––Enter IS-IS view isis [ process-id ] ––