Operation Manual – IPv6 RoutingH3C S7500E Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 5 IPv6 BGP Configuration5-21Note:z In general, since the route reflector forwards routing information between clients, itis not required to make clients of a route reflector fully meshed. If clients are fullymeshed, it is recommended to disable route reflection between clients to reducerouting costs.z If a cluster has multiple route reflectors, you need to specify the same cluster ID forthese route reflectors to avoid routing loops.5.8 Displaying and Maintaining IPv6 BGP Configuration5.8.1 Displaying BGPTo do... Use the command... RemarksDisplay IPv6 BGP peergroup informationdisplay bgp ipv6 group[ ipv6-group-name ]Display IPv6 BGPadvertised routinginformationdisplay bgp ipv6 networkDisplay IPv6 BGP ASpath informationdisplay bgp ipv6 paths[ as-regular-expression ]Display IPv6 BGPpeer/peer groupinformationdisplay bgp ipv6 peer[ ipv6-group-name log-info |ipv6-address { log-info | verbose } |verbose ]Display IPv6 BGP routingtable informationdisplay bgp ipv6 routing-table[ ipv6-address prefix-length ]Display IPv6 BGP routinginformation matching anAS path ACLdisplay bgp ipv6 routing-tableas-path-acl as-path-acl-numberDisplay IPv6 BGPcommunity routinginformationdisplay bgp ipv6 routing-tablecommunity [ aa:nn<1-13> ][ no-advertise | no-export |no-export-subconfed ]*[ whole-match ]Display IPv6 BGP routinginformation matching anIPv6 BGP community listdisplay bgp ipv6 routing-tablecommunity-list{ basic-community-list-number[ whole-match ] |adv-community-list-number }&<1-16>Display dampened IPv6BGP routing informationdisplay bgp ipv6 routing-tabledampenedAvailablein any view