Step 3Try to boot and run standalone diagnostics against the system, particularly against theintended boot device. If an SRN is generated, go to theRS/6000 EserverpSeriesDiagnostic Information for Multiple Bus Systems manual.If diagnostics boot successfully and ″No Trouble Found″ was the result whendiagnostics were run against the intended boot device, go to substep 4. If thediagnostics boot successfully, but the intended boot device was not present in theresource list:1. If you booted from IDE CD-ROM Standalone Diagnostics, follow these steps:a. Check the SCSI cablesb. Remove all hot-swap disk drives except the intended boot device if it’s ahot-swap drive.c. Disconnect all other internal SCSI devices.d. Replace the SCSI cablese. Replace the repeater cardf. Replace the SCSI backplaneg. Replace the intended boot device.h. Replace the system board.2. Go to the Task Selection Menu and select Task, Display Configuration andResource List. If the intended boot device is not listed, go to ″MAP 0290: MissingResource Problem Resolution″ in theRS/6000 EserverpSeries DiagnosticInformation for Multiple Bus Systems manual.3. If an SRN, not an 8-digit error code, is reported, go to theRS/6000 EserverpSeries Diagnostic Information for Multiple Bus Systems manual.4. If the diagnostics are successful, and no other devices have been disconnected, itmay be necessary to perform an operating system-specific recovery process, orreinstall the operating system.5. If you replaced the indicated FRUs and the problem is not corrected, or the abovedescriptions did not address your particular situation, go to “MAP 1540: MinimumConfiguration” on page 59.If the problem has been corrected, go to ″MAP 0410: Repair Checkout″ inRS/6000EserverpSeries Diagnostic Information for Multiple Bus Systems.If diagnostics do not boot successfully, and a SCSI boot failure is also occurring, go to“MAP 1540: Minimum Configuration” on page 59.If diagnostics do not boot successfully, and a SCSI boot failure is not occurring:1. Check IDE cabling to boot device.2. Check device configuration jumpers.If no problem is found with the cabling or the jumpers, continue to “Step 4” onpage 108.Chapter 4. Checkpoints 107