Table 3. Firmware Error Codes. (continued)Error Code Description Action / Possible Failing FRU4B2xxxC8 A generic processor-detected checkstophas occurred. 1. Try to reboot the system intoonline diagnostic to preserve theAIX error log. Run diagnostics inproblem determination mode todetermine the cause of the failure.If a new SRN or error code isgenerated, follow the actions forthat code.2. Try to boot AIX diagnostics fromCD-ROM.a. If the boot is successful, runadvanced diagnostics andfollow the actions for any SRNor error code that is generated.If the same error code isgenerated, go to “MAP 1540:Minimum Configuration” onpage 59.b. If AIX standalone diagnosticsdo not boot, follow the actionsfor any new SRN or error codethat is generated. If the sameerror code is generated, go to“MAP 1540: MinimumConfiguration” on page 59.4BA00000 The system support controller detects theservice processor, but cannot establishcommunication. The system halts.1. Power off the system unit:a. Unplug the power cord.b. Plug in the power cord andpower on the system unit.2. Replace the system board.Location: P1(See note 3 on page 109.)4BA00001 The system support controller cannotdetect the service processor.Replace the system board.Location: P1(See note 3 on page 109.)4BA0000A Processor card deconfigured 1. Possible BIST failure:a. Power off the system unit.b. Unplug the power cord.c. Plug in the power cord andpower on the system unit.2. Replace the processor card.Location: P1-C1Location: P1-C2Chapter 5. Error Code to FRU Index 165