Table 3. Firmware Error Codes. (continued)Error Code Description Action / Possible Failing FRU2BA00012 Service processor reports self-test failure. 1. Unplug the system power cableand wait until the system powerindicator remains off and theoperator panel is blank.2. Plug the system power cable backin and retry the operation.3. Replace the system board.Location: P1(See note 3 on page 109.)2BA00013 Service processor reports bad NVRAMCRC.1. If problem persists, replacebattery.Location: P1-V22. Replace the system board.Location: P1(See note 3 on page 109.)2BA00014 Service processor reports bad serviceprocessor firmware.Use service processor firmwarediskette to reprogram firmware.2BA00017 Service processor reports bad or lowbattery.1. Replace the battery.Location: P1-V22. Replace the system board.Location: P1(See note 3 on page 109.)2BA00018 EPOW test failure. Replace the system board.Location: P1(See note 3 on page 109.)2BA00019 IRQ13 test failure. Replace the system board.Location: P1(See note 3 on page 109.)2BA00024 Service processor reports bad powercontroller firmware.Use the system firmware diskette toreprogram the system firmware.2BA00040 Service processor reports serviceprocessor VPD module not present. 1. Use the service processorfirmware diskette to reprogram theservice processor firmware.2. Replace the system board.Location: P1(See note 3 on page 109.)2BA00041 Service processor VPD is corrupted. 1. Use the service processorfirmware diskette to reprogram theservice processor firmware.2. Replace the system board.Location: P1(See note 3 on page 109.)Chapter 5. Error Code to FRU Index 127