Table 3. Firmware Error Codes. (continued)Error Code Description Action / Possible Failing FRU25A0xxx1 L2 cache controller problem. 1. Replace the processor card.Location: P1-C1Location: P1-C22. Replace the system board.Location: P1(See notes on page 109.)See error code 2B2xxx22 for xxxdefinitions.25A1xxx1 L2 SRAM failure Replace the processor card.Location: P1-C1Location: P1-C2See error code 2B2xxx22 for xxxdefinitions.25A80xxx NVRAM problems NVRAM problem resolution:1. Errors reported against NVRAMcan be caused by low batteryvoltage and (more rarely) poweroutages that occur during normalsystem usage. With the exceptionof the 25A80000 error, theseerrors are warnings that theNVRAM data content had to bere-established and do not requireany FRU replacement unless theerror is persistent. When one ofthese errors occurs, any systemcustomization (for example bootdevice list) information has beenlost, and the system might need tobe reconfigured.2. If the error is persistent, replacethe battery.Location: P1-V23. If the error is persistent afterbattery replacement, or the errorcode is 25A80000, replace thesystem board.Location: P1(See notes on page 109.)25A80000 Initialization failed, device test failed. Refer to NVRAM error notes on page117.25A80001 Init-NVRAM invoked, all of NVRAMinitialized.Refer to NVRAM error notes on page117.25A80002 Init-NVRAM invoked, some data partitionsmay have been preserved.Refer to NVRAM error notes on page117.25A80011 Data corruption detected, all of NVRAMinitialized.Refer to NVRAM error notes on page117.Chapter 5. Error Code to FRU Index 117