Table 3. Firmware Error Codes. (continued)Error Code Description Action / Possible Failing FRU460000D9 A generic I/O memory controller-detectedcheckstop has occurred. 1. Try to reboot the system intoonline diagnostics to preserve theAIX error log. Run diagnostics inproblem determination mode todetermine the cause of the failure.If a new SRN or error code isgenerated, follow the actions forthat code.2. Try to boot AIX diagnostics fromCD-ROM.a. If the boot is successful, runadvanced diagnostics andfollow the actions for any SRNor error code that is generated.If the same error code isgenerated, go to “MAP 1540:Minimum Configuration” onpage 59.b. If AIX standalone diagnosticsdo not boot, follow the actionsfor any new SRN or error codethat is generated. If the sameerror code is generated, go to“MAP 1540: MinimumConfiguration” on page 59.48800909 System VPD error. 1. Check cable to operator panel.2. Replace the operator panel controlassembly. (See note 2 on page109.)Note: Swap the old VPD modulefrom the old operator panel controlassembly to the new one.3. Replace the system board.Location: P1(See note 3 on page 109.)4. Go to “MAP 1540: MinimumConfiguration” on page 59.4880090A System board VPD read failed. Replace the system board.Location: P1(See note 3 on page 109.)4880090B Error identifying system type using VPD.(Possible I2 C bus error.)1. Check the power supply cableconnections2. Call for support.4880090C JTAG unable to confirm system typeusing system VPD.1. Remove cards.2. Verify part numbers.3. Install valid cards.4. Call for support.158 Service Guide