Symptom ActionThe power LEDs on the operatorpanel and power supplies do notstart blinking within 30 secondsof ac power application and theoperator panel display is blank.Go to ″MAP 1520: Power″, “Step 1520-2” on page 51.The power LEDs on the operatorpanel and power supplies areblinking and the operator paneldisplay is blank.Go to ″MAP 1520: Power″, “Step 1520-3” on page 51The power LED on the operatorpanel is on solid, the powerLEDs on the power supplies areblinking and the operator paneldisplay is blank.When the power on switch onthe operator panel is pressed,there is no indication of activity.The power LED on the powersupply does not change fromblinking to solid and none of thefans, including the fan in thepower supplies, start to turn.Go to ″MAP 1520: Power″, “Step 1520-3” on page 51The power LEDs on the operatorpanel and power supplies areblinking and OK, STBY or DIAGSTBY is displayed on theoperator panel display.When the power on switch onthe operator panel is pressed,there is no indication of activity.None of the power LEDs changefrom blinking to solid and none ofthe fans, including the fan in thepower supplies, start to turn.Go to ″MAP 1520: Power″, “Step 1520-3” on page 51The power LEDs on the operatorpanel and power supplies areblinking and OK, STBY or DIAGSTBY is displayed on theoperator panel display.When the power on switch onthe operator panel is pressed,the power LEDs change fromblinking to solid and the systembegins to power on, but thepower LEDs on the operatorpanel and power supplies do notstay on and the system powersoff.Go to ″MAP 1520: Power″, “Step 1520-3” on page 51Chapter 3. Maintenance Analysis Procedures (MAPs) 35