Table 3. Firmware Error Codes. (continued)Error Code Description Action / Possible Failing FRU40D00200 Processor initialization failed. Location code will point to failing FRU.40D00201 JTAG chip ID miscompare. Replace the failing FRU pointed to bythe location code.40D00202 Hot-swap SCSI backplane failure Replace the hot-swap backplane.Location: P240D00203 SCSI ID conflict on hot-swap disk drives 1. Verify that there are no SCSI IDjumpers on the hot-swap diskdrives. (The SCSI IDs are setautomatically by the hot-swapbackplane.)2. Isolate the failing hot-swap driveby removing all of the drives, thenreinstalling them one at a timeuntil the error occurs. The last onethat was reinstalled is the failingdrive.3. Replace the hot-swap backplane.Location: P2450000C0 Uncorrectable memory error. (checkstop) Go to “MAP 1240: Memory ProblemResolution” on page 45.450000C1 Memory ECC correctable error(checkstop)Go to “MAP 1540: MinimumConfiguration” on page 59.450000C2 Memory ECC correctable error thresholdexceeded (checkstop)Go to “MAP 1540: MinimumConfiguration” on page 59.450000C3 Memory controller subsystem internalerror (checkstop)Go to “MAP 1540: MinimumConfiguration” on page 59.450000C4 Memory address error (invalid address oraccess attempt) (checkstop)Go to “MAP 1540: MinimumConfiguration” on page 59.450000C5 Memory data error (bad data going tomemory) (checkstop)Go to “MAP 1540: MinimumConfiguration” on page 59.450000C6 Memory bus/switch internal error(checkstop)Go to “MAP 1540: MinimumConfiguration” on page 59.450000C7 Memory time-out error (checkstop) Go to “MAP 1540: MinimumConfiguration” on page 59.450000D0 System bus time-out error (checkstop) 1. Replace the FRU as indicated bythe physical location codedisplayed on the operator panel.2. Check the service processor errorlog for additional FRUs.450000D1 System bus parity error (checkstop) 1. Replace the FRU as indicated bythe physical location codedisplayed on the operator panel.2. Check the service processor errorlog for additional FRUs.152 Service Guide