NT5D11 and NT5D14 Lineside T1 Interface cards Page 211 of 906Circuit Card Description and InstallationCertain vintage levels have dedicated 25-pair I/O connectors only for cardslots 0, 4, 8, and 12. These vintage levels are cabled with only 16 pairs ofwires from each card slot to the I/O panel. Some of the 25-pair I/O connectorsare split between adjacent card slots. Other vintage levels cable each card slotto the I/O panel using a unique, 24-pair connector on the I/O panel. In thesevintage levels, the lineside T1 card can be installed in any available pair ofcard slots. However, because of the lower number of wire pairs cabled to theI/O panel in the lower vintage level, only certain card slots are available to thelineside T1 card.See Table 84 for the vintage level information for the NT8D37 IPEmodules.Vintage levels cabling 24 portsFor modules with vintage levels that cabled 24 ports to the I/O panel, thelineside T1 card can be installed in any pair of card slots 015.Table 84Lineside T1 card – NT8D37 IPE module vintage level port cablingVintage LevelNumber of portscabled to I/O panelNT8D37AA 16 portsNT8D37BA 24 portsNT8D37DC 16 portsNT8D37DE 16 portsNT8D37EC 24 ports