Page 284 of 906 NT5D33 and NT5D34 Lineside E1 Interface cards553-3001-211 Standard 3.00 August 2005Man-Machine E1 maintenance interface softwareDescriptionThe Man-Machine Interface (MMI) provides E1-link diagnostics andhistorical information for the LEI system. See “Installation andConfiguration” on page 263 for instructions on how to install the cabling andconfigure the terminal for the MMI. The following sections will describe theoptions available through the LEI’s MMI terminal and will explain how toset-up, configure, and use the MMI.The MMI provides the following maintenance features:• configurable alarm parameters• E1-link problem indicator• current and historical E1-link performance reports• E1 verification and fault isolation testing• configuration of A\B bits (North American Standard, Australian P2, orcustomized settings are available)AlarmsThe MMI may be used to activate alarms for the following E1-linkconditions:• excessive bit-error rate,• frame-slip errors,• out-of-frame,• loss-of-signal, and• blue alarm.Pre-set thresholds and error durations trip LEI alarm notifications. Fordescriptions of each of these E1-link alarm conditions, see “Performancecounters and reporting” on page 304. For instructions on how to set alarmparameters, see “Set Alarm” on page 290. For information on accessingalarm reporting, see “Display Alarms” on page 302, “Display Status” onpage 303 and “Display Performance” on page 305.