Page 238 of 906 NT5D11 and NT5D14 Lineside T1 Interface cards553-3001-211 Standard 3.00 August 2005mode, yellow alarms can be sent and the lineside T1 card can enter lineprocessing mode.Clear AlarmThe Clear Alarm (C A) command set will clear all activity initiated by analarm: the external alarm hardware will be deactivated (the contact normallyopen will be reopened), the LED light will go out, an entry will be made inthe alarm log of the date and time the alarm was cleared, and line processingwill cease (for alarm level 2 only). When this command set is typed in, theMMI will display the message “Alarm acknowledged.” If the alarm conditionstill exists, the alarm will be declared again.Display AlarmsA detailed report of the most recent 100 alarms with time and date stamps canbe displayed by entering the Display Alarms (D A) command set into theMMI. Entering the Display Alarms (D A) command set will cause a screensimilar to the following to appear:The Pause command can be used to display a full screen at a time by enteringD A P.Clear Alarm LogClear all entries in the alarm log by typing in the Clear Alarm Log(C A L) command set.Display StatusThe Display Status (D S) command set displays the current alarm conditionof the T1 link as well as the on-hook or off-hook status of each of the 24 portsAlarm Log3/03/95 1:48 Yellow alarm on T1 carrier3/03/95 1:50 Initialized Memory3/03/95 2:33 T1 carrier level 1 alarm3/03/95 3:47 T1 carrier level 2 alarm3/03/95 4:43 T1 carrier performance withinthresholds3/03/95 15:01 Log Cleared