Page 628 of 906 NT8D15 E&M Trunk card553-3001-211 Standard 3.00 August 2005Note: In Cabinet systems equipped with Meridian Mail, the UniversalTrunk line card cannot be installed in slot 10 of the main cabinet.The NT8D15 E&M trunk card supports the following types of trunks:• 2-wire E&M Type I signaling trunks• two-wire dial repeating trunks• two or four wire tie trunks• 4-wire E&M trunks:— Type I or Type II signaling— duplex (DX) signaling• paging (PAG) trunksType I signaling uses two signaling wires plus ground. Type II and DXsignaling uses two pairs of signaling wires. Most electronic switchingsystems use Type II signaling.Table 196 lists the signaling and trunk types supported by the NT8D15 E&Mtrunk card.Table 196Trunk and signaling matrixSignalingTrunk typesRLM/RLR TIE PAG CSA/CAA/CAM2-wire E&M Yes Yes Yes Yes4-wire E&M Yes Yes No YesLegend:RLM Release Link MainRLR Release Link RemoteCSA Common Control Switching ArrangementCAA Common Control Switching Arrangement with Automatic Number Identification (ANI)CAM Centralized Automatic Message Accounting (CAMA) trunk