Page 222 of 906 NT5D11 and NT5D14 Lineside T1 Interface cards553-3001-211 Standard 3.00 August 2005Terminal configurationFor the MMI terminal to be able to communicate to the lineside T1 card, theinterface characteristics must be configured to the following:• Speed – 1200 or 2400 bps, depending on the setting of switch position 1of Switch 1• Character width – 8 bits• Parity bit – none• Stop bits – one• Software handshake (XON/XOFF) – offSoftware configurationAlthough much of the architecture and many of the features of the lineside T1card differ from the analog line card, the lineside T1 card has been designedto emulate an analog line card to the CS 1000 Release 4.5 software. Becauseof this, the lineside T1 card software configuration is performed the same astwo adjacent analog line cards.All 24 T1 channels carried by the lineside T1 card are individually configuredusing the Analog (500/2500-type) Telephone Administration programLD 10. Use Table 87 on page 223 to determine the correct unit number andthe NTP Software Input/Output: Administration (553-3001-311) for LD 10service change instructions.The lineside T1 card circuitry routes 16 units (0-15) on the motherboard andeight (0-7) units on the daughterboard to 24 T1 channels. The motherboardcircuit card is located in the left card slot, and the daughterboard circuit cardis located in right card slot. For example, if the lineside T1 card is installedinto card slots 0 and 1, the motherboard would reside in card slot 0 and thedaughterboard would reside in card slot 1. In order to configure the terminalequipment through the switch software, the T1 channel number must be