Page 310 of 906 NT5D33 and NT5D34 Lineside E1 Interface cards553-3001-211 Standard 3.00 August 2005ApplicationsThe LEI is an IPE line card that provides cost-effective connection betweenE1-compatible IPE and a CS 1000S, CS 1000M, and Meridian 1 system oroff-premise extensions over long distances.Some examples of applications where an LEI can be interfaced to an E1 linkare:• E1-compatible VRU equipment• E1-compatible turret systems• E1-compatible wireless systems• Remote analog (500/2500-type) telephones through E1 to channel bank• Remote Norstar sites behind CS 1000S, CS 1000M, and Meridian 1 overE1The LEI is appropriate for any application where both E1 connectivity and“lineside” functionality are required. This includes connections toE1-compatible voice response units, voice messaging and trading turret (usedin stock market applications) systems. See Figure 62.Figure 62LEI connection to IPEFor example, the LEI can be used to connect the system to an E1-compatibleVoice Response Unit (VRU). An example of this type of equipment is NortelOpen IVR system. In this way, the CS 1000S, CS 1000M, and Meridian 1 can