Page 436 of 906 NT7D16 Data Access card553-3001-211 Standard 3.00 August 2005The fourth mode, gateway, is a subset of the modem mode and is not normallyused. This mode is useful if the attached modems do not have Ring Indicatorlead. The application used is inbound modem pooling.The different modes enable the DAC to connect to different types of devicessuch as modems (modes 0, 1, 2, and 3), gateways (modes 4, 5. 6, and 7), hosts(modes 8. 9. 10, and 11), and terminals (modes 12. 13. 14, and 15). Afterselecting the appropriate group (that is, modem, gateway, host, or terminal),the installer should study the four different modes in that group to make theproper selection. See Table 157.Table 157DAC mode of operation selection (Part 1 of 5)Service changeable downloadable parameters (LD 11)OperationmodeModem/Gateway/Host/KBDForcedDTR* HotlineType of deviceto be connected Group selectionDEM PRM DTR HOT0 (DTE) OFF“Host On”(RingIndicator— RI)OFFNotForcedOFFNotHotlineModem Poolinbound andoutbound (similarto Synchronous /AsynchronousData Module(SADM) ininbound) MSB byRIModes 0, 1, 2,and 3 are forRS232 modemconnectivity1 (DTE) OFF“Host On”(RI)OFFNotForcedONHotlineModem Poolinbound only(Hotline by RI-similar to SADM)* Not prompted for Type = R422. Defaults for Type = R422: DEM = DCE and DTR = OFF.