The TDS/DTR card Page 887 of 906Circuit Card Description and InstallationTones and cadencesThe following tables give the tones and cadences provided by the NTAK03TDS/DTR card.Table 278NTAK03, NTDK20, and NTDK97 μ-Law tones and cadence (Part 1 of 6)Tone #Frequency(Hz)dB belowoverloadPrecisionRingingTonesDTMFDigits MF Digits1 350/440 -23/-23 ÷2 (533 + 666) x 10 -23/-23 ÷3 440 -23 ÷4 350/440 -19/-19 ÷5 440/480 -25/-25 ÷6 480 -23 ÷7 480/620 -30/-30 ÷8 1020 -16 ÷9 600 -23 ÷10 600 -16 ÷11 440/480 -22/-22 ÷12 350/480 -23/-23 ÷13 440/620 -24/-24 ÷14 940/1630 -12/-10 P15 700/1210 -12/-10 116 700/1340 -12/-10 217 700/1480 -12/-10 318 770/1210 -12/-10 4