Acceptance tests Page 91 of 906Circuit Card Description and Installation4 Test the conference loop for channel, group, and switching faults:CNFC loopIf the conference loop passes the tests, the output is OK.If the system response is other than OK, see the Software Input/Output:Administration (553-3001-311) to analyze the messages.5 Prepare the system for a manual conference call on a specified loop:CNFC MAN loop cWhere “c” is the manual conference group (1-15)A manual conference test is performed by stepping through conferencechannels and groups, listening for noise that indicates a faulty card.The manual conference test can be performed through a system terminalor BCS maintenance telephone. If commands are entered from amaintenance telephone, this telephone automatically becomes part of themanual conference call.Only one manual conference call is allowed at one time. A manualconference consists of only two telephones, where one telephone acts asa signal source while the other acts as a listening monitor.After you enter the CNFC command, any two telephones (one mayalready be the maintenance telephone) dialing the special service prefixcode (SPRE) and the digits 93 will enter the manual conference call. Theprime directory number (PDN) indicator, if equipped, will light on eachtelephone.Going on-hook takes the telephone out of the manual conference call, andthe test must be restarted.See LD 38 in the Software Input/Output: Administration (553-3001-311)for more detailed information on using this command.6 Test various channels and conference groups audibly with the commandCNFC STEPWhen stepping through channels and groups, a clicking followed bysilence is normal. Any distortion or other noises indicates a faulty card.Once the CNFC STEP command has been entered, entering C on thesystem terminal or maintenance telephone steps through the conferencechannels. Entering G steps through the conference groups. There are 15channels per group and 15 groups per conference card.Entering an asterisk (*) and END stops the test.