2134567SENDING A N/W FAX- 141 -● SENDING A N/W FAXBasic ProcedureThe basic procedure for sending a fax (Network Fax / InternetFax) is as follows.You can use standard functions or set optional functions aswell as the basic ones described in this section. For theseoperations, see the following section. P.148 "SETTING N/W-Fax DRIVER"1 Start the application software and preparethe document to be sent.2 Select [Print] from the [File] menu in theapplication software.Memo• The procedure for displaying the print dialog box maydiffer from the above depending on the applicationsoftware.3 Select [OKI MB770(FAX)] for the machineand click [Preferences].The dialog box of the N/W-Fax driver properties appears.Memo• Note that the command name to open the driverproperties may differ from [Preferences] depending onthe application software.4 Click the [Send] tab and specify therecipients.• To specify recipients, enter them with the keyboard orselect them from the address book. P.143 "Specifying Recipients"• On the [Send] tab, you can set the resolution of a faxcover sheet, etc. as well as specifying the recipients. P.149 "Setting up the [Send] tab"• On the [Layout] tab, you can set the size and theorientation of the paper. P.148 "Setting up the [Layout] tab"• On the [Cover Sheet] and [Sender InformationProperties] tab, the sender information for adding a faxcover sheet can be set. P.150 "Setting up the Cover Sheet" P.151 "Setting up the SNMP"