including satellite geometry, system errors inthe data transmission and system errors in thereceiver. A higher figure signifies a greaterpositional error. A typical receiver has an accuracyof between 5 and 15 m. As an example, assuminga receiver error of 5 m, an HDOP of 2 wouldrepresent an error of approximately 15 m. Pleaseremember that even a very low HDOP figure isNO guarantee that your receiver is providing anaccurate position. If in doubt, check the displayedvessel position in the Chart application againstyour actual proximity to a known charted object.• Estimated Horizontal Position Error (EHPE)— EHPE is a measure of the estimated error ofa position fix in the horizontal plane. The valuedisplayed indicates that your position is within acircle radius of the stated size 50% of the time.• Fix status — indicates the actual mode thereceiver is reporting:– Fix — Satellite fix has been acquired.– No Fix — No satellite fix can be acquired.– D Fix — A differential beacon fix has beenacquired.– SD Fix — A differential satellite fix has beenacquired.• Position — Displays the latitude and longitudeposition of your receiver.• Date / Time — Displays the current date and timegenerated by the position fix in UTC format .• Mode — Identifies wether the receiver is workingin differential mode or non-differential mode.• Datum — The receiver's datum setting affectsthe accuracy of the vessel position informationdisplayed in the Chart application. In order for yourreceiver and MFD to correlate accurately with yourpaper charts, they must be using the same datum.7.3 Raymarine GPS / GNSS receivercompatibilityRaymarine GPS receivers and GNSS(GPS/GLONASS) receivers are compatiblewith the following GNSS and SBAS.Status /Type Name Compatible receiversOper-ationalGNSSGPS All internal and external RaymarineGPSreceiversandGNSSreceiversOper-ationalGNSSGLON-ASSa9x and a12x internal GNSSreceiverPlannedGNSSCOM-PASS /Beidou–2* a9x and a12x internal GNSSreceiverPlannedGNSSGalileo * a9x and a12x internal GNSSreceiverOper-ationalSBASWAAS All internal and external RaymarineGPSreceiversandGNSSreceiversOper-ationalSBASEGNOS All internal and external RaymarineGPSreceiversandGNSSreceiversOper-ationalSBASMSAS All internal and external RaymarineGPSreceiversandGNSSreceiversOper-ationalSBASGAGAN All internal and external RaymarineGPSreceiversandGNSSreceiversPlannedSBASQZSS * a9x and a12x internal GNSSreceiverNote: * Not currently operational but will besupported via software update in the future.System checks 105