2. To display CPA graphics select CPA Graphicfrom the context menu:i. Select Auto to display the CPA graphic whenthe target is selected.ii. Select On to display the CPA graphic whilethe target is being tracked.iii. Select Off to hide the CPA graphic.3. To display course and bearing informationalongside to the target select MARPA Data sothat Show is highlighted.i. Selecting MARPA Data will switch betweenShow and Hide.Viewing full MARPA target informationFrom the radar application:1. Select Menu.2. Select Targets.3. Select View Target Lists.4. Select View MARPA List.5. Select the relevant target.21.7 Distances, range, and bearingWhen you are using the radar application, you canmeasure distances, ranges and bearings in a varietyof ways.These options are detailed in the table below:FunctionsDistancesBetweenPointsRangeFrom YourVessel BearingsRange Rings Yes (approx-imate dis-tance)Yes(approx-imate range)NoCursor No Yes YesVariableRangeMarkers /ElectronicBearingLines(VRM/EBL)No Yes YesFloatingVRM/EBLYes No YesMeasuring using the range ringsUse the range rings to gauge the approximatedistances between points. Range rings areconcentric circles displayed on the screen andcentred from your vessel at pre-set distances. Thenumber and spacing of the rings changes as yourange in and out.Examples:D12214-1D12215-1D12216-1Range — 1/4 nmRange Rings —760ft apartRange — 3/4 nmRange Rings —1/4 nm apartRange — 1 1/2 nmRange Rings —1/4 nm apartMeasuring using the cursorTo measure the bearing and range from yourvessel to a specified target, move the cursor to theappropriate position on the screen and press Ok,the radar context menu will be displayed which shallprovide:• Latitude• Longitude• Range• BearingD12217-21 2312 gS Series