33.6 Network cable typesThere are 2 types of SeaTalkhs network cable —“patch” and “network”.• Patch — for connecting the following devices to aRaymarine network switch:– Thermal camera via PoE injector.– Additional Raymarine network switch.– PC or laptop using Voyager planning software.• Network — for connecting the following devicesto a Raymarine network switch:– Sonar Module.– SR100 Sirius weather receiver.– Additional compatible Raymarine multifunctiondisplays.SeaTalkhs network cablesCable Part number1.5 m (4.9 ft) SeaTalkhsnetwork cableE550495 m (16.4 ft) SeaTalkhsnetwork cableE5505010 m (32.8 ft) SeaTalkhsnetwork cableE5505120 m (65.6 ft) SeaTalkhsnetwork cableE55052SeaTalkhs patch cablesCable Part number1.5 m (4.9 ft) SeaTalkhs patchcableE060545 m (16.4 ft) SeaTalkhs patchcableE0605510 m (32.8 ft) SeaTalkhs patchcableE0605615 m (49.2 ft) SeaTalkhs patchcableA6213620 m (65.6 ft) SeaTalkhs patchcableE0605733.7 SeaTalkng cabling componentsSeaTalkng cabling components and their purposes.Connection / Cable NotesBackbone cable (variouslengths)The main cable carrying data.Spurs from the backbone areused to connect SeaTalkngdevices.T-piece connector Used to make junctions in thebackbone to which devicescan then be connected.Terminator Required at either end of thebackbone.Inline terminator Used to connect a spurcable directly to the end of abackbone; useful for longercable runs.Spur cable Used to connect devicesto the backbone. Devicesmay be daisy chained orconnected directly to theT-pieces.SeaTalkng 5–way connector Used to branch, split, ormake additional connectionsin SeaTalk or SeaTalkngnetworks.Blanking plug Inserted into unused spurconnector positions in a5-way connector or T-piece.424 gS Series