19.17 Fishfinder alarmsThe following Fishfinder alarms can be set when adepth data source is available.• Fish — alarm sounds when a target meets thespecified sensitivity level and, is within the depthlimits (if enabled).• Fishfinder Deep — alarm sounds when thedetected depth is greater than the deep limit.• Fishfinder Shallow — alarm sounds when thedetected depth is less than the shallow limit.Setting up fish alarmsFrom the Alarms menu homescreen > Set-up >Alarms:1. Select Fish.The Fish alarms menu is displayed.2. Select Fish so that On is highlighted.3. Select Fish Sensitivity.The fish sensitivity numeric adjust control isdisplayed.4. Adjust the fish sensitivity to the require value.The greater the fish alarm sensitivity, the greaterthe number of target image depths displayed.5. Select Fish Depth Limits so that On ishighlighted.The shallow and deep fish limit settings will beactivated in the menu.6. Select Shallow Fish Limit.The shallow fish limit numeric adjust control isdisplayed.7. Adjust the value to the require setting.8. Select Ok to confirm the new value and close thenumeric adjust control.9. Select Deep Fish Limit.The deep fish limit numeric adjust control isdisplayed.10.Adjust the value to the require setting.11.Select Ok to confirm the new value and close thenumeric adjust control.Setting up fishfinder deep alarmFrom the Alarms menu homescreen > Set-up >Alarms:1. Select Fishfinder Deep.2. Select Deep so that On is highlighted.Selecting Deep will switch between On and Off.3. Select Deep Limit.The deep limit numeric adjust control is displayed.4. Adjust the setting to the required value.5. Select Ok to confirm the new value and close thenumeric adjust control.Note: The Deep Limit cannot be set to less thanthe Shallow Limit.Setting up fishfinder shallow alarmFrom the Alarms menu homescreen > Set-up >Alarms:1. Select Fishfinder Shallow.2. Select Shallow so that On is highlighted.Selecting Shallow will switch between On and Off.3. Select Shallow Limit.The shallow limit numeric adjust control isdisplayed.4. Adjust the setting to the required value.5. Select Ok to confirm the new value and close thenumeric adjust control.Note: The Shallow Limit cannot be set to greaterthan the Deep Limit.Fishfinder application 275