7.5 Sonar checkSonar transducer and sonar moduleselectionYou must select the sonar transducer and Sonarmodule that you want to use in the displayedFishfinder application pane.Sonar module selection• Sonar and DownVisionTM variant displays arefitted with an internal sonar module.• All variants allow you to connect a compatibleexternal sonar module or use an internal sonarmodule from a networked display.• The sonar channel you want to use must beselected from the Fishfinder menu.Transducer selection• Sonar variant displays allow direct connection of aRaymarine OR a Minn Kota sonar transducer.• DownVisionTM variant displays allow directconnection of Raymarine DownVisionTMtransducers.• All variants allow the connection of a Raymarinesonar transducer via a compatible external sonarmodule.• For all variants use the Transducer Set-Upmenu in the Fishfinder application to specify thetransducer you want to use.Selecting the sonar channelTo select the channel you want to display follow thesteps below.From the Fishfinder application:1. Select Menu.2. Select Channel.The Channel selection page is displayed.3. Select the tab for the sonar module you want touse.A list of available channels for the selected sonarmodule is displayed.4. Select a channel from the list.The Channel selection page will close and theFishfinder application will now show the selectedchannel.Selecting the sonar transducerWith the fishfinder application displayed:1. Select Menu.2. Select Set-Up.3. Select Transducer Set-Up.4. Select Transducer.A list of transducers is displayed.5. Select the transducer you want to use.Selecting the speed transducerWith the fishfinder application displayed:1. Select Menu.2. Select Set-Up.3. Select Transducer Set-Up.4. Select Speed Transducer.A list of transducers is displayed.5. Select your speed transducer from the list.Checking the sonarSonar checks are made using the fishfinderapplication.1. Select a fishfinder page from the Homescreen.2. Check the fishfinder display.With the fishfinder active you should see:• Depth reading (indicates the transducer isworking). The depth is shown in a databox inthe bottom left of the screen.If the databox is not present it can be turnedon from the Presentation menu: Menu >Presentation > Databoxes Set-up.Fishfinder Transducer CalibrationYour fishfinder transducer must be calibratedcorrectly to achieve accurate depth readings.The multifunction display receives the image froma sonar module which processes sonar signalsfrom a transducer mounted in the water. If thetransducer is equipped with a speed paddle wheeland temperature-sensing thermistor, the sonarmodule calculates speed and temperature. Toensure accurate readings, it may be necessary tocalibrate the transducer(s) by applying offsets todepth, speed and temperature. As these settingsare held in the sonar module and relate to thetransducer, they are applied system-wide.Depth OffsetDepths are measured from the transducer to the seabed, but you can apply an offset value to the depthdata, so that the displayed depth reading representsthe depth to the sea bed from either the keel or thewaterline.Before attempting to set a waterline or keeloffset, find out the vertical separation between thetransducer and either the waterline or the bottom ofthe keel on your vessel, as appropriate. Then set theappropriate depth offset value.System checks 107