is now locked to the base. When you disable pointmode, the unlock icon displays momentarily. Thecamera always starts up with point mode disabled.Enabling / Disabling point modePoint mode is disabled by default. With Stabilizationenabled you can also enable point mode at any timeby following the steps below.From the thermal camera application:1. Select Menu.2. Select Camera Set-up.3. Select Point Mode.Selecting point mode switches point mode Onand Off.23.5 Image adjustmentsAdjusting the thermal camera imageWith the thermal camera application displayed:1. Select Menu.2. Select Adjust Contrast.3. Select the Contrast, Brightness, or Color optionas appropriate.The relevant numeric adjust control is displayed.4. Adjust the value as required.5. Select Back or Ok to confirm the new value.Thermal camera scene presetsScene presets enable you to quickly select thebest image setting for the current environmentalconditions.During normal operation the thermal cameraautomatically adjusts itself to provide a high-contrastimage optimized for most conditions. The Scenepresets provide 4 additional settings that mayprovide better imagery in certain conditions. The 4modes are:Night Running — scene preset mode fornight conditions.Day Running — scene preset mode fordaytime conditions.Night Docking — scene preset mode fornight docking.Search — scene preset mode for identifyingpeople or objects in the water.Although the preset names indicate their intendeduse, varying environmental conditions might makeanother setting more preferable. For example, thenight running scene preset might also be useful whilein a harbor. You may find it beneficial to experimentwith the different scene presets to discover the bestpreset to use for different conditions.Changing the thermal camera scene presetWith the thermal camera application displayed:1. Select Menu.2. Select Image Options.3. Use the Scene menu item to switch between theavailable scene presets, as appropriate.Thermal camera color modesA range of color modes are available to help youdistinguish objects on-screen in different conditions.Changing the color mode switches the thermalcamera image between a greyscale mode and 1or more color modes. There are 5 color modesavailable.The factory default color mode is white, which mayimprove your night vision. This default mode can bechanged if required using the camera's on-screenVideo Setup menu.346 gS Series