9.6 Databar and databox overviewYou can customize the data displayed in the databarand onscreen databoxes.Customizable data is displayed in the databar,extended databar (HybridTouch displays only) ordataboxes. The databar, extended databar anddataboxes are available in all applications.These areas of the screen are illustrated anddescribed below:D12296-32 35141. Databar — displayed at the top of the screen inall applications. The databar contains cells thatcan be customized to display data from a widerange of categories. The databar can also behidden to provide2. Expanded Databar — (Touchscreen displaysonly) displayed when you touch the databar.The extended databar can be displayed. Theexpanded databar is displayed until the screenis touched again.3. Status icons — You can display the status iconsbelow the expanded databar. This providesstatus information for externally connectedequipment:4. Status Bar — Permanently displayed in allapplications. The status bar contains informationon the currently selected settings of theapplication displayed onscreen.5. Databoxes — up to 2 databoxes can bedisplayed. Each box can display one item ofdata from the available data categories. Data ispermanently displayed onscreen.The databar can be set to auto-hide so that only theStatus bar is visible onscreen.Auto-hide the databarOn multifunction displays that have a touchscreen,the databar that is displayed at the top of allapplications pages can be set to auto-hide. Thisprovides a larger screen area for the applicationpages.D13003-11 2From the Homescreen:1. Select Customize.2. Select Databar Set-up.3. Select Auto-Hide so that On is selected.When viewing application pages the databar willnow auto-hide after 10 seconds. You can view thedatabar again by touching the databar with yourfinger.Customizing databoxes in the chartapplicationTo switch databoxes on and off and to select data todisplay follow the steps below.From the Chart application menu:1. Select Presentation.2. Select Overlay.3. Select Databoxes.4. Select Databox 1 > On.5. Select Databox 2 > On.6. Choose the Select Data option for the relevantdatabox.7. Select the category that reflects the type of datayou want to display in the databox. For example,Depth data.8. Select the data item.The data you selected is displayed onscreen inthe appropriate databox.Customizing DataboxesIn the Radar, Fishfinder, or Weather application:1. Select Menu.2. Select Presentation.3. Select Databoxes.4. Select Databox 1 > ON.5. Select Databox 2 > ON.6. Choose the Select Databox 1 or Select Databox2 menu item, as appropriate.7. Select the category that reflects the type of datayou want to display in the databox. For example,Depth data.8. Select the data item.The data you selected is displayed onscreen inthe appropriate databox.Customizing your display 127