26.3 Weather application displayoverviewThe weather application displays a range ofgraphics to indicate weather conditions and forecastinformation.The following diagram illustrates the main featuresof the weather application display:D8564-457106981 2 3 411 11Item Description1 Range2 Canadian radar3 Animation and time / date4 Signal strength5 Find ship icon6 Surface observation stations7 Wave heights8 NOWRad9 Marine zones10 Data overlay cells11 On-screen Range in and out icons(Touchscreen displays only)Weather symbolsThe weather application uses a range of graphicsand symbols to represent different weatherconditions and forecasts.Symbol DescriptionStorm cast (dark blue) arrowsindicatingdirectionandspeedof a storm.Wave height• Highest waves (red)• Intermediate waves(greens)• Lowest waves (blues)Symbol DescriptionCanadian radar (dark greens,yellow, orange and red)Lightning — a lightningsymbol is shown at eachcloud-to-ground strike:• Light (recorded in last10–15 minutes.)• Medium (recorded in last5–10 minutes.)• Dark (recorded in last 0–5minutes.)More recent strikes areoverlaid over older symbols.Wind — Wind symbols showthe current wind direction andstrengthandcanbedisplayedas either an arrow or a windbarb. Wind arrows indicatespeed — the larger the arrow,the greater (stronger) thewind speed. Wind barbs givea more precise indication ofwind speed as shown in thewind speed symbols section.Sea surface temperature(green, yellow and orange)• Blue — coldest• green• yellow• orangeandred—warmestSurface observation stations(pink) — Current or historicalweather data can be viewedat surface observationstations. Not all data isavailable for all stations.Cities — The city symbolsenables you to access detailsof city weather forecasts. Upto 3 forecasts are displayedfor each city.NOWRad• Rain (green, yellow andred.)• Snow (blues)• Mixture (pinks)Weather application (North America only) 375