18.2 Electronic charts overviewYour multifunction display includes basic worldbase maps. Electronic charts provide additionalcartographic information.The level of cartographic detail shown varies fordifferent chart types, geographic locations and chartscales. The chart scale in use is indicated by theon-screen scale indicator, the value displayed is thedistance that the line represents across the screen.You can remove and insert chart cards at any time.The chart screen is automatically redrawn when thesystem detects that a compatible chart card hasbeen inserted or removed.Using a dual view page it is possible to displaydifferent cartography types simultaneously.Caution: Care of chart and memorycardsTo avoid irreparable damage to and / orloss of data from chart and memory cards:• DO NOT save data or files to a cardcontaining cartography as the chartsmay be overwritten.• Ensure that chart and memory cardsare fitted the correct way around. DONOT try to force a card into position.• DO NOT use a metallic instrument suchas a screwdriver or pliers to insert orremove a chart or memory card.LightHous eCHARTSLightHouse chartsWith the introduction of the LightHouse II software,Raymarine multifunction displays now support theuse of Raymarine’s new LightHouse charts.LightHouse charts are derived from vector and rasterbased charts, the LightHouse chart engine enablesRaymarine to offer new chart types and regions fromaround the globe.Refer to the Raymarine website: for the latestinformation on available LightHouse charts.Raster chartsRaster charts are an exact copy / scan of an existingpaper chart. All information is embedded directly inthe chart. Ranging in and out of raster charts willmake everything appear larger or smaller on thescreen, including text. When changing the Chartapplication’s orientation everything on the chart willrotate, including the text. As raster charts are ascanned image the file size is normally bigger whencompared to the vector equivalent.Vector chartsVector charts are computer generated, consistingof a series of points and lines that make up thechart. Chart objects and overlays on vector chartscan be switched on and off and chart objects canbe selected to provide further information. Rangingin and out of vector charts will make geographicalfeatures appear larger or smaller on the screen,however text and chart objects will remain the samesize regardless of range. When changing the Chartapplication’s orientation geographical features willrotate but text and chart objects will remain in thecorrect orientation for the display. As vector chartsare generated rather than a scanned image the filesize is normally smaller when compared to the rasterequivalent.Downloading LightHouseTM chartsLightHouseTM charts can be downloaded throughthe Raymarine website.Important: You must read and agree tothe LightHouseTM charts End User LicenseAgreement (EULA) before downloading and usingLightHouseTM charts.222 gS Series