X ero x 4 5 95 Co pi e r/P ri n te r U s e r G u i de 3-373 . S c anLighten/Darken/Contrast (optional Color Scanning Kit only)A scan can be adjusted to make it lighter, darker, or enhance thecontrast of the scanned image. Adjustments to Contrast can onlybe made when Full Color or Grayscale are selected as theOutput Color.1. From the Image Quality tab, select Lighten/Darken/Contrast.2. Make a selection to make the scanned image lighter or darkeror to adjust the contrast.3. Select Save to keep your choice. Lighten/DarkenSelect one of 3 levels to lighten or 3 levels to darken the scannedimage. ContrastSelect a contrast level to enhance the scanned image.Background Suppression (optional Color Scanning Kit only)This feature suppresses the image on the back of a lightweightoriginal by adjusting the relevant Image Quality settings. It isunavailable when Black is selected as the Output Color.1. From the Image Quality tab, select BackgroundSuppression.2. Make a selection.3. Select Save to keep your choice. OffDocument are scanned without background suppressionenhancement. OnThe scanner software adjusts to suppress the image on the backof lightweight originals.