X ero x 4 5 95 Co pi e r/P ri n te r U s e r G u i de 11-4511 . P ro b le m S o l vi n g116-771116-772116-773116-774116-775116-776116-777116-778116-790 Cause There was a problem with parameters in the JBIG data.They were automatically edited.Remedy If any problem occurs in job result, try to process the jobagain.116-780 Cause There is a problem with the document attached to thereceived mail.Remedy Check the attached document.123-400 Cause A malfunction occurred in the machine.Remedy Power-cycle the machine. If the machine error is notfixed by performing the relevant remedy, contact theCustomer Support Center.127-210 Cause Communication error between the printer and thecontroller. Error detected by the printer.Remedy Remove and reinsert the cable connection between theprinter and the controller. Power off and on both theprinter and the controller. If the problem persists, call theCustomer Support Center.127-211 Cause Detected a communication error between the printer andthe controller.Remedy Remove and reinsert the cable connection between theprinter and the controller. Power off and on both theprinter and the controller. If the problem persists, call theCustomer Support Center.127-212 Cause Detected an internal print check error by the controller.Remedy Remove and reinsert the command/video cable betweenthe controller and the printer. Power off and on both theprinter and the controller. If the problem persists, call theCustomer Support Center.127-213 Cause Detected a mismatch with the software version of thecontroller.Remedy Contact the Customer Support Center for informationand/or instructions to remedy the problem.127-220 Cause Detected a communication error of the video system bythe controller.Remedy Remove and reinsert the cable connection between theprinter and the controller. Power off and on both theprinter and the controller. If the problem persists, call theCustomer Support Center127-221 Cause Detected a communication error by the controller.Remedy Remove and reinsert the cable connection between theprinter and the controller. Power off and on both theprinter and the controller. If the problem persists, call theCustomer Support Center.Error CodeCategoryCause and RemedyC P S M O