X ero x 4 5 95 Co pi e r/P ri n te r U s e r G u i de 2-632. Co p y3. Select Save to keep your choices. StampDisplays the Annotation - Stamp screen. DateDisplays the Annotation - Stamp screen. Page NumberDisplays the Annotation - Page Number screen.Annotation - Stamp ScreenYou can add the "CONFIDENTIAL," "Copy Prohibited,""URGENT," "IMPORTANT," "Circulation," "Side 2 Recycled,""DRAFT," and "VOID" stamps to copies.1. On the Annotation screen, select Stamp.2. Make a selection.3. Select Save to keep your choices. OffNo stamp is added. OnA stamp is added. TextYou can select from eight character types for the stamp. Print OnDisplays the Annotation - Stamp - Print On screen.You can select the page(s) to print the stamp from First PageOnly and All Pages.