X ero x 4 5 95 Co pi e r/P ri n te r U s e r G u i de 11-3111 . P ro b le m S o l vi n gOther ErrorsError CodeCategoryCause and RemedyC P S M O002-770 Cause Unable to process job template due to insufficient harddisk space.Remedy Remove unnecessary data from the hard disk toincrease free disk space.003-750 Cause Unable to store any documents with 2 Sided Book Copyfeature.Remedy Check the 2 Sided Book Copy settings.Refer to “2 Sided Book Copy” on page 2-32.003-751 Cause The machine is unable to process size, because thespecified document area is too small.Remedy Increase resolution or scan area size.003-753 Cause The selected resolution was too large for scanningmixed size originals using document feeder.Remedy Decrease Scan Resolution to 200dpi or less, andrescan.003-754 Cause An error occurred in the document scanner.Remedy Reprocess the job.003-755 Cause An error occurred in the document scanner.Remedy Reprocess the job.003-760 Cause An incompatible combination of features are specified inthe document scan conditions.Remedy Check the selected options.003-761 Cause The paper size of the tray selected for auto tray isdifferent from the paper size of the tray selected for AutoRepeat.Remedy Change the paper size for the tray, or change thePaper Type Priority settings.003-764 Cause No document is scanned by Form Overlay.Remedy Prepare 2 documents or more.003-795 Cause When enlarging/reducing a scanned document to thespecified paper size, the reduction/enlargement ratiovalue exceeds the allowed range.Remedy Take one of the following actions:z Manually enter a reduction/enlargement ratio.z Change the paper size.005-274005-275005-280005-281005-282005-283005-284005-285005-286 Cause An error occurred in the document feeder.Remedy Power-cycle the machine. Contact the CustomerSupport Center.