X ero x 4 5 95 Co pi e r/P ri n te r U s e r G u i de 11-511 . P ro b le m S o l vi n gOnline indicatordoes not lighteven though youinstructed it toprint.Is the interface cabledisconnected?Turn the power switch off, unplug thepower cord from the power outlet, andcheck the interface cable connection.For information about network settings,refer to the System Administration Guide.Is the environment correctlyset on the personalcomputer?Check the print driver and otherenvironment settings on the personalcomputer.Is the required interfaceset?Check the status of the interface port inuse.For information about network settings,refer to the System Administration Guide.Printing is notperformed eventhough printingwas instructedon Tray 5(Bypass).Is paper of the sizespecified for printing loadedon the tray?Follow the instructions displayed to loadpaper of correct size and instruct it to printagain.Refer to “Load paper in Tray 5 (Bypass)”on page 7-6.Unsatisfactoryprint quality.A probable cause is animage defect.Remedy the trouble referring to ImageQuality Trouble described later.Refer to “Image Quality Problems” onpage 11-9.Text is notprinted correctly(text iscorrupted).Non-standard fonts areused for printing.Check the application or print driversettings.Online indicatorlights and copiesare not deliveredwith Online stilllit.Data remaining in machinememory.Cancel printing, or purge remaining data.Refer to “Checking Current/Pending Jobs”on page 8-2.Cannot open orclose trays.Did you open a cover or turnpower off during printing?Turn the power off without unnecessarilyclosing or opening a paper tray. Waitseveral seconds and then turn the powerswitch on. Make sure that the machine isonline (ready to receive data) and thenclose or open the paper tray.Symptoms Check Remedy