X ero x 4 5 95 C op i e r/P ri n te r U s er G ui d e10 -1 610 . M ai n te n an c eEmptying Punch Scrap ContainerThe screen displays a message indicating when it is time to emptythe punch scrap container. Once you discard the scraps accordingto the message, the machine resets the punch counter to 0.NOTE: If you pull the container out to check the level and placethe container back into the machine without emptying it, the punchcounter is still reset to 0 and the actual punch count no longerreflects the correct amount of scraps in the container.To ensure that the container does not overflow and result in jamsin the Finisher, it is recommended that you regularly check andempty the punch scrap container, such as every time you open theFinisher door.KEY POINT: Remove the container while the power is on. If youswitch off the power when emptying the scrap container, themachine will not be able to detect that the scraps have beendisposed. Ensure that all scraps are discarded.1. Make sure that the machine has stopped, and then open theright cover on the finisher.2. Pull out the punch scrap container.