A C C E S S I B I L I T YMMEENNUU IITTEEMM DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNDDuupplliiccaattee KKeeyy SSttrriikkee IInntteerrvvaall0–5 seconds (0*)Set the interval during which the printer ignoresduplicate key presses on an attached keyboard.KKeeyy RReeppeeaatt IInniittiiaall DDeellaayy0.25–5 seconds (1*)Set the initial length of delay before a repeating keystarts repeating.Note: Appears only when a keyboard isattached to the printer.KKeeyy RReeppeeaatt RRaattee0.5–30 (30*)Set the number of presses per second for a repeatingkey.Note: Appears only when a keyboard isattached to the printer.PPrroolloonngg SSccrreeeenn TTiimmeeoouutt• Off*• OnLet the user remain in the same location and reset theScreen Timeout timer when it expires instead ofreturning to the home screen.Note: An asterisk (*) next to a value indicates the factory default setting.R E S TO R E FA C TO RY D E FA U LT SMMEENNUU IITTEEMM DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNRReessttoorree SSeettttiinnggss• Restore all settings– Restore printer settings– Restore network settings– Restore app settingsRestore the printer factory default settings.Xerox® C410 Color Printer User Guide 105Use Printer Menus