DeviceImportant: Some features are system administrator functions and the options are hidden from view. Formore information, refer to Embedded Web Server Administrator Guide at R E F E R E N C E SMMEENNUU IITTEEMM DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNDDiissppllaayy LLaanngguuaaggee[List of languages]Set the language of the text that appears on thedisplay.CCoouunnttrryy//RReeggiioonn[List of countries or regions]Identify the country or region where the printer isconfigured to operate.RRuunn iinniittiiaall sseettuupp• Off*• OnRun the setup wizard.KKeeyybbooaarrddKeyboard Type[List of languages]Select a language as a keyboard type.Note: All the Keyboard Type values may notappear or may require special hardware toappear.DDiissppllaayyeedd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn• Display Text 1 (IP Address*)• Display Text 2 (Date/Time*)• Custom Text 1• Custom Text 2Specify the information to appear on the home screen.DDaattee aanndd TTiimmee• Configure– Current Date and Time– Manually Set Date and Time– Date Format (MM-DD-YYYY*)– Time Format (12 hour A.M./P.M.*)– Time Zone– UTC (GMT) Offset– DST Start– DST End– DST Offset• Network Time ProtocolConfigure the printer date and time and network timeprotocol.Note:• MM-DD-YYYY is the U.S. factory defaultsetting. DD-MM-YYYY is the internationalfactory default setting.• UTC (GMT) Offset, DST Start, DST End, andDST Offset appear only when Time Zone isset to (UTC+user) Custom.• Key ID and Password appear only whenEnable Authentication is set to MD5 key.Xerox® C410 Color Printer User Guide 99Use Printer Menus