MMEENNUU IITTEEMM DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNOnLLoogg FFuullll BBeehhaavviioorrWrap Over Oldest Entries*E-mail Log Then Delete All EntriesResolve log storage issues when the log fills its allottedmemory.EE--mmaaiill %% FFuullll AAlleerrttOff*OnSend e-mail notification to the administrator when thelog fills its allotted memory.%% FFuullll AAlleerrtt LLeevveell1–99 (90*)EE--mmaaiill LLoogg EExxppoorrtteedd AAlleerrttOff*OnSend e-mail notification to the administrator when alog is exported.EE--mmaaiill LLoogg SSeettttiinnggss CChhaannggeeddOff*OnSend e-mail notification to the administrator whenEnable Audit is set.LLoogg LLiinnee EEnnddiinnggssLF (\n)*CR (\r)CRLF (\r\n)Specify how the log file terminates the end of eachline.DDiiggiittaallllyy SSiiggnn EExxppoorrttssOff*OnAdd a digital signature to each exported log file.CClleeaarr LLoogg Delete all audit logs.EExxppoorrtt LLooggSyslog (RFC 5424)*Syslog (RFC 3164)CSVExport a security log to a flash drive.Note: An asterisk (*) next to a value indicates the factory default setting.152 Xerox® C410 Color Printer User GuideUse Printer Menus