PPAAPPEERR TTYYPPEESSTTAANNDDAARRDD225500––SSHHEEEETTTTRRAAYYOOPPTTIIOONNAALL555500––SSHHEEEETTTTRRAAYYSSMMUULLTTIIPPUURR--PPOOSSEE FFEEEEDDEERRMMAANNUUAALLFFEEEEDDEERRTTWWOO--SSIIDDEEDDPPRRIINNTTIINNGGLLaabbeellss XXGGlloossssyy XXVViinnyyll LLaabbeellss XXPPrree--PPrriinntteeddEEnnvveellooppeess XX XXCCoolloorreedd PPaappeerrRRoouugghh CCoottttoonnCCuussttoomm TTyyppee11––66Note:• Your printer model may have an optional 550+100-sheet tray, which consists of a 550-sheet tray and anintegrated 100-sheet multipurpose feeder. The 550-sheet tray of the optional 550+100-sheet traysupports the same paper types as the standard 550-sheet tray. The integrated multipurpose feedersupports different paper sizes, types, and weights.• Labels, envelopes, and card stock always print at reduced speed• Vinyl labels are supported for occasional use only and must be tested for acceptability. Some vinyl labelsmay feed more reliably from the multipurpose feederSupported Paper WeightsSSTTAANNDDAARRDD 225500––SSHHEEEETT TTRRAAYYOOPPTTIIOONNAALL 555500––SSHHEEEETT TTRRAAYYSSMMUULLTTIIPPUURRPPOOSSEEFFEEEEDDEERR MMAANNUUAALL FFEEEEDDEERRTTWWOO--SSIIDDEEDDPPRRIINNTTIINNGG60–216 g/m2 grainlong (16–80 lbbond)60–176 g/m2 grainlong (16–80 lbbond)60–176 g/m2 grainlong (16–80 lbbond)60–216 g/m2 grainlong (16–80 lbbond)60–105 g/m2 grainlong (16–80 lbbond)Note:• Your printer model may have an optional 550+100-sheet tray, which consists of a 550-sheet tray and anintegrated 100-sheet multipurpose feeder. The 550-sheet tray of the optional 550+100-sheet traysupports the same paper types as the standard 550-sheet tray. The integrated multipurpose feedersupports different paper sizes, types, and weights.• For 60 to 176 g/m2 (16–47 lb bond) paper, grain long fibers are recommended.40 Xerox® C410 Color Printer User GuideLearn About the Printer