SecurityImportant: Some features are system administrator functions and the options are hidden from view. Formore information, refer to Embedded Web Server Administrator Guide at G I N M E T H O D SPublicMMEENNUU IITTEEMM DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNMMaannaaggee PPeerrmmiissssiioonnss• Function Access– Modify Address Book– Manage Shortcuts– Create Profiles– Manage Bookmarks– Flash Drive Print– Flash Drive Color Printing– Held Jobs Access– Use Profiles– Cancel Jobs at the Device– Change Language– Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)– B/W Print– Color PrintControl access to the printer functions.MMaannaaggee PPeerrmmiissssiioonnss• Administrative Menus– Security Menu– Network/Ports Menu– Paper Menu– Reports Menu– Function Configuration Menus– Supplies Menu– Option Card Menu– SE Menu– Device MenuControl access to the printer menus.Xerox® C410 Color Printer User Guide 145Use Printer Menus