Dark PrintNote: Before solving the problem, print the quality sample pages to determine the missing color. From thecontrol panel, navigate to SSeettttiinnggss >> TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg >> PPrriinntt QQuuaalliittyy TTeesstt PPaaggeess. For non-touch-screenprinter models, press OOKK to navigate through the settings.AACCTTIIOONN YYEESS NNOOSStteepp 111 Perform Color Adjust.From the control panel, navigateto: SSeettttiinnggss >> PPrriinntt >> QQuuaalliittyy >>AAddvvaanncceedd IImmaaggiinngg >> CCoolloorrAAddjjuusstt.2 Print the document.Is the print too dark?Go to step 2. The problem is solved.SStteepp 221 Depending on your operatingsystem, reduce the tonerdarkness from the PrintingPreferences or Print dialog.Note: You can alsochange the setting onthe printer controlpanel. Navigate to:SSeettttiinnggss >> PPrriinntt >>QQuuaalliittyy >> TToonneerrDDaarrkknneessss.2 Print the document.Is the print too dark?Go to step 3. The problem is solved.SStteepp 331 Depending on your operatingsystem, specify the paper typefrom the Printing Preferences orPrint dialog.Go to step 4. The problem is solved.Xerox® C410 Color Printer User Guide 185Troubleshooting