AACCTTIIOONN YYEESS NNOOSStteepp 111 Depending on your operatingsystem, specify the paper typefrom the Printing Preferences orPrint dialog.Note: Make sure thatthe settings matchesthe paper loaded in thetray.Note: You can alsochange the settings onthe printer controlpanel. Navigate to:SSeettttiinnggss >> PPaappeerr >>TTrraayy CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn >>PPaappeerr SSiizzee//TTyyppee.2 Print the document.Do vertical white lines appear onprints?Go to step 2. The problem is solved.SStteepp 22Make sure you are using therecommended paper type.1 Load the specified paper sourcewith the recommended paper2 Print the document.Do vertical white lines appear onprints?Go to step 3. The problem is solved.SStteepp 331 Remove the color imaging kit,and then remove the blackimaging unit.WWaarrnniinngg——PPootteennttiiaall DDaammaaggee::Do not expose thecolor imaging kit andblack imaging unit todirect light for morethan 10 minutes.Extended exposure tolight may cause printquality problems.Contact Contacting CustomerSupportThe problem is solved.Xerox® C410 Color Printer User Guide 215Troubleshooting