M A N A G I N G C O N TA C T S1. From the home screen, touch AAddddrreessss BBooookk.2. Do one or more of the following:To add a contact, touch MMeennuu on top of the screen, and then touch CCrreeaattee CCoonnttaacctt. If necessary, specify alogin method to allow application access.To delete a contact, touch MMeennuu on top of the screen, touch DDeelleettee CCoonnttaaccttss, and then select the contact.To edit contact information, touch the contact name.To create a group, touch MMeennuu on top of the screen, and then touch CCrreeaattee GGrroouupp. If necessary, specify alogin method to allow application access.To delete a group, touch MMeennuu on top of the screen, touch DDeelleettee GGrroouuppss, and then select the group.To edit a contact group, touch GGRROOUUPPSS, then select a group name. To select the action you want to make,touch MMeennuu again.3. Apply the changes.Xerox® C410 Color Printer User Guide 55Set up, Install, and Configure