AACCTTIIOONN YYEESS NNOO1 Depending on your operatingsystem, specify the paper typefrom the Printing Preferences orPrint dialog.Note: Make sure thatthe settings matchesthe paper loaded in thetray.Note: You can alsochange the settings onthe printer controlpanel. Navigate to:SSeettttiinnggss >> PPaappeerr >>TTrraayy CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn >>PPaappeerr SSiizzee//TTyyppee.2 Print the document.Does the toner rub off?The problem is solved. Contact Contacting CustomerSupportUneven Print DensityNote: Before solving the problem, print the Print Quality Test Pages. From the control panel, navigate toSSeettttiinnggss >> TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg >> PPrriinntt QQuuaalliittyy TTeesstt PPaaggeess. For non-touch-screen printer models, press OOKK tonavigate through the settings.Xerox® C410 Color Printer User Guide 207Troubleshooting