4. On the printer control panel, touch the status bar on top of the Home screen to access the NotificationCenter.5. From the Notification Center, touch the QR Code icon for CCoonnnneecctteedd ttoo NNeettwwoorrkk. A new window opens forCCoonnnneecctt ttoo XXeerrooxx EEaassyy AAssssiisstt MMoobbiillee AApppp that displays the Connect QR Code.6. Scan the QR Code using the XEA app. This adds your printer to My Printers list in the XEA app.• CCoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhrroouugghh IIPP AAddddrreessss::1. Download the Xerox Easy Assist (XEA) app from Apple App Store or Google Play Store.2. Open the XEA app. Touch ++ or AAdddd from the top of the screen.3. The Add Printer screen appears. From the Add Existing Printer section, touch IIPP AAddddrreessss.4. On the printer control panel, refer to the IP Address in the status bar on top of the Home screen of theprinter.5. Type the IP Address in the XEA app. This adds your printer to My Printers list in the XEA app.A D D I N G M U LT I P L E P R I N T E R S TO T H E X E RO X E A S Y A S S I S T A P PIf your printer is already set up on your network and the initial setup is complete, through the XEA app, you caninclude additional printers directly to the list of My Printers. You can see the printer status, get print drivers, and getChatbot support. To add printers that are on the network, open the XEA app Home page in your smartphone. Onthe My Printers screen, touch the ++ icon, then refer to the following options:• SSeettttiinngg UUpp aa NNeeww PPrriinntteerr: To set up a new printer from your smartphone XEA app, on the Add Printer screen,select SSeett UUpp aa NNeeww PPrriinntteerr. Follow the instructions that appear on the printer control panel and on yourmobile device.• AAddddiinngg aann EExxiissttiinngg PPrriinntteerr: To add an existing printer that is already connected to the network, select any onefrom these options:– QQRR CCooddee: To scan the printer QR Code with the XEA app scanner, touch QQRR CCooddee. To find the QR Code ofthe printer, refer to Connecting to the Xerox Easy Assist App for Installed Printers.– IIPP AAddddrreessss: To connect to the printer by typing the IP Address manually, touch IIPP AAddddrreessss. Type the IPAddress of the printer, then touch OOKK. For more information, refer to Connecting to the Xerox Easy AssistApp for Installed Printers.• FFiinnddiinngg tthhee NNeeaarrbbyy NNeettwwoorrkk PPrriinntteerrss: When your smartphone is connected to the same wireless or wirednetwork as the printer, to find nearby printers, select PPrriinntteerrss AArroouunndd MMee. The app looks for nearby printers onthe network:– If the app finds the printer, you can select and add the printer directly.– If the app is unable to find the printer you are looking for, then you can add the printer by typing its IPaddress.Note: If the printer and mobile device cannot communicate, ensure that they are on the same network.50 Xerox® C410 Color Printer User GuideSet up, Install, and Configure |
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