AACCTTIIOONN YYEESS NNOOWWaarrnniinngg:: Do nottouch thephotoconductor drumunder the colorimaging kit and blackimaging unit. Doingso may affect thequality of future printjobs.2 Insert the black imaging unit,and then insert the colorimaging kit.3 Print the document.Do vertical white lines appear onprints?Repeating DefectsNote: Before solving the problem, print the Print Quality Test Pages. From the control panel, navigate toSSeettttiinnggss >> TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg >> PPrriinntt QQuuaalliittyy TTeesstt PPaaggeess. For non-touch-screen printer models, press OOKK tonavigate through the settings.216 Xerox® C410 Color Printer User GuideTroubleshooting