MMEENNUU IITTEEMM DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNNote: When this setting is disabled, the printerdoes not examine incoming data and uses thedefault printer language specified in the Setupmenu.JJoobb BBuuffffeerriinngg• Off*• OnTemporarily store print jobs in the hard disk beforeprinting.Note: This menu item appears only when ahard disk is installed.MMaacc BBiinnaarryy PPSS• Auto*• On• OffSet the printer to process Macintosh binary PostScriptprint jobs.Note:• Auto processes print jobs from computersusing either Windows or Macintoshoperating systems.• Off filters PostScript print jobs using thestandard protocol.EEnneerrggyy EEffffiicciieenntt EEtthheerrnneett• Off• On• Auto*Reduce power consumption when the printer does notreceive data from the Ethernet network.Note: An asterisk (*) next to a value indicates the factory default setting.TC P / I PNote: This menu appears only in network printers or printers attached to print servers.MMEENNUU IITTEEMM DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSSeett HHoossttnnaammee Set the current TCP/IP host name.DDoommaaiinn NNaammee Set the domain name.AAllllooww DDHHCCPP//BBOOOOTTPP ttoo uuppddaattee NNTTPP sseerrvveerr• On*• OffAllow the DHCP and BOOTP clients to update the NTPsettings of the printer.ZZeerroo CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn NNaammee Specify a service name for the zero configurationnetwork.EEnnaabbllee AAuuttoo IIPP• Off*• OnAssign an IP address automatically.Xerox® C410 Color Printer User Guide 133Use Printer Menus