MMEENNUU IITTEEMM DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNRReesseerrvvee JJoobb EExxppiirraattiioonn• Off*• 1 Hour• 4 Hour• 24 Hour• 1 WeekSet the expiration time for jobs that you want to storein the printer for printing later.RReeqquuiirree AAllll JJoobbss ttoo bbee HHeelldd• Off*• OnSet the printer to hold all print jobs.KKeeeepp dduupplliiccaattee ddooccuummeennttss• Off*• OnSet the printer to keep all documents with the same filename.Note: An asterisk (*) next to a value indicates the factory default setting.D I S K E N C RY P T I O NNote: This application is supported only in printers with the optional Productivity Kit.MMEENNUU IITTEEMM DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSSttaattuussEnabledEncryption happens automatically when a storagedrive is installed.E R A S E T E M P O R A RY DATA F I L E SNote: This application is supported only in printers with the optional Productivity Kit.MMEENNUU IITTEEMM DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSSttoorreedd iinn oonnbbooaarrdd mmeemmoorryy• Off*• OnDelete all files stored on the printer memory.SSttoorreedd oonn hhaarrdd ddiisskk• 1 Pass Erase*• 3 Pass Erase• 7 Pass EraseDelete all files stored on the printer hard disk.Note: This menu item appears only when aprinter hard disk is installed.Note: An asterisk (*) next to a value indicates the factory default setting.154 Xerox® C410 Color Printer User GuideUse Printer Menus