Setting up and Using the Home Screen ApplicationsU S I N G T H E H O M E S C R E E NNote: Your home screen may vary depending on your home screen customization settings, administrativesetup, and active embedded solutions.IICCOONN FFUUNNCCTTIIOONN1 Stop or Cancel button Stop the current printer task.2 Status/Supplies • Show a warning or errormessage whenever the printerrequires intervention to continueprocessing.• View more information on theprinter warning or message andhow to clear it.Note: You can also accessthis setting by touching thetop section of the homescreen.3 Job Queue Show all the current print jobs.Note: You can also accessthis setting by touching thetop section of the homescreen.4 Settings Access the printer menus.5 Address Book Manage a contact list that otherapplications on the printer canaccess.Xerox® C410 Color Printer User Guide 51Set up, Install, and Configure