MMEENNUU IITTEEMM DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNRReeggiisstteerr To register, do the following steps:1 Go to SSeettttiinnggss >> NNeettwwoorrkk//PPoorrttss >> UUnniivveerrssaall PPrriinntt, then click RReeggiisstteerr. TheRegistration process authenticates the device with Microsoft® Azure® ActiveDirectory.2 The Register Device window appears. To copy the registration code, clickCCooppyy, then click the link The registration code expires after 15 minutes. The registrationprocess needs to be completed before the code expires.3 A Microsoft-managed webpage opens. Do the following steps:a Paste the registration code into the code field in the Enter codewindow, then click NNeexxtt.b Select the appropriate Microsoft® account in the Pick an accountwindow.Note: For registration, select an available Microsoft® account. Theselected account is used solely to establish a trusted connection forthe device with the Universal Print service. After registration, UniversalPrint does not use the account again.4 A Xerox Universal Print window appears. Click CCoonnttiinnuuee and close thewindow.Note: For more information, refer to the Embedded Web Server Administrator Guide.MMEENNUU IITTEEMM DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSSttaattuuss Device is online and registered with Universal Print.RReeggiissttrraattiioonn User can use the Universal print page to deregister the Xerox® device forUniversal Print.PPrriinntteerr NNaammee Registered printer name appears.DDeerreeggiisstteerr Use this function to deregister the device from the Universal Print Service.Additional information for Universal PrintTToo aadddd aa PPrriinntteerr ffrroomm WWiinnddoowwss SSeerrvveerr::1. Go to SSeettttiinnggss >> PPrriinntteerr && SSccaannnneerrss, then click AAdddd aa pprriinntteerr oorr ssccaannnneerr.2. Select the printer from the printer list, then click AAdddd ddeevviiccee. If the printer does not appear in the list, do thefollowing steps:a. Go to SSeeaarrcchh ffoorr pprriinntteerrss iinn mmyy oorrggaanniizzaattiioonn.b. Type the registered name on the text field, and click SSeeaarrcchh. Once the printer appears on the list, click AAddddDDeevviiccee.Xerox® C410 Color Printer User Guide 143Use Printer Menus